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Patient Information - Prostate Cancer Supported SelfManagement

Prostate Cancer Supported SelfManagement

A guide to your follow up care


Urology Oncology


Darent Valley Hospital

Darenth Wood Road





01322 428100




Author: Shelley Arter/ Tracey Dadson

Title: Uro-Oncology Support Workers



Tel: 01322 428614








Page 3    Introducing Supported Self-Management.

Page 4    Online Health Records / PSA tracking and surveillance.

Page 5    Supported Self-Management Workshop.

Page 6    Assessment and care planning / How do I arrange a review? / Finding support.

Page 7    Further information and useful contacts / local contacts.


Your personal details and summary of your treatment


Hospital number: ………………………..

Date you were diagnosed: ………………………………………………………

PSA level when you were diagnosed:   …... (PSA stands for prostate specific antigen, which is a protein found in the blood).

Gleason Score:   ………..  (This gives an indication of how aggressive the cancer is likely to be).

Tumour Staging: ………..( This shows how far the cancer has spread ).

T – Stage: ………..( This shows how far the cancer has spread in and around the prostate).

N – Stage: ………..( This shows whether the cancer has spread to the lymph nodes ).

M – Stage: ……….( This shows whether the cancer has spread to any other areas of the body ).






Introducing Supported Self-Management (SSM)


Your specialist cancer team will discuss supported self-management with you at a point in your care when this option might suit you.

Once you have agreed with your team that this is the right option for you, you will no longer need to travel to the hospital for routine follow-up appointments. Instead, you will be able to contact your team at the hospital directly to arrange a follow-up appointment if you have any concerns. Your team will also review any blood results at fixed points and contact you if they have any concerns.

“In the past, men living with or after prostate cancer have been seen at regular intervals by their clinical team. Some men find these pre-arranged appointments useful and reassuring, however many more find them a source of great anxiety and of little benefit, unless they have something specific to discuss. There is strong evidence that symptoms and concerns are addressed more quickly if patients report then as and when they occur, rather than waiting for a routine appointment.” Professor Madaan, consultant Urological surgeon. . 

SSM puts you in control of your care and allows you to take an active and leading role in your recovery, with the help of your specialist cancer team. SSM enables you to develop the skills, knowledge and expertise to;

  1. Make positive choices about your health care.
  2. Manage the physical and emotional impact of prostate cancer and it`s treatment.
  3. Make long-term positive changes to health behaviours (Staying active, eating healthy).



Online Health Records


As part of your follow-up care you will be provided with secure and confidential access to an online patient portal, at;  we will always inform your GP of your result.

This resource can be accessed via the internet, and you can use it to:

  1. View your prostate specific antigen (PSA) test results.
  2. Message your specialist cancer team.
  3. Access information on living with or after prostate cancer.
  4. Take assessments to monitor issues related to prostate cancer and its treatment (Holistic Needs Assessment)


PSA tracking and surveillance


PSA stands for prostate specific antigen, which is a protein found in the blood. A PSA blood test is a very effective way of monitoring your progress during or after treatment. You will receive an email to remind you when your blood test is required. The test can be carried out at Darent Valley Hospital, you will need to book a blood test appointment by calling 01322 428312 or 428361 or by completing a request form on; .You will receive your results via letter also you can view them on the portal online. If you have any concerns about your PSA result you can contact your SSM team by telephone (01322 428614) or email via the portal. The hospital will contact you directly if they need to discuss your PSA result with you.

This is an important part of your cancer follow-up and needs to be done when prompted, so the team can keep track of your results.



Supported Self-Management Workshop


You will be invited to attend an online workshop ( MS Teams ). The workshops are run by the SSM Team, aims are to provide you with the skills and confidence to self-monitor for symptoms and signs of recurrence, manage life style change, and set your own goals for recovery and rehabilitation. At the workshop, you learn how we will keep track of your PSA level and how surveillance is planned for you.

Topics covered include;

  1. Introduction to SSM.
  2. What is PSA tracking and surveillance?
  3. Coping with physical and emotional effects of prostate cancer.
  4. Healthy lifestyles e.g.; healthy eating, physical activity / exercise and bone health.
  5. Moving forward and making good plans.




Men who attend these workshops give very good feedback;

“It was lovely to chat with other men, I felt that I could relate to them all which felt good and I realised I`m not an island on my own there are other people with the same issues and worries as me “ Michael D



Assessment and care planning ( HNA)


You will be asked to complete regular assessments in the form of a `Health MOT checklist or Holistic Needs Assessment `. You can access this via  This is a way of identifying any concerns or problems you may have. These might include practical issues such as work, or dealing with the physical and emotional effects of prostate cancer, or concerns relating to your relationships or family life. The HNA will reflect your individual needs with a clear care plan or action plan. This can help you to self-manage your care or identify when other help or resources could be useful.


How do I arrange a review


Using the online portal, you will be able to send an email to your SSM team who will respond accordingly. Alternatively you can call the team on 01322 428614 or 01322 428797. You can leave a message on the answer machine, which is checked every working day (please note, it is not an emergency phone line). One of the team will aim to contact you as soon as possible.

Finding Support


You may have already found that people have different ways of living with prostate cancer. There is no right or wrong way, just what works for you. Some people prefer not to talk about it, while others finds it helps to discuss their experience. Your SSM team is there to help you with support.

We have our own Prostate support group named ` Prospect`. Prospect is a support group for men who will be receiving, are receiving, or have received treatment for prostate cancer. Contact 01322 428614 for more information.


Further information and useful contacts / local contacts   


Prostate cancer UK;                                                  

Telephone: 0800 0748383           




Cancer Research Uk

Cancer Research UK`s patient information resources 

Helpline; 0808 800 4040


Macmillan Cancer Support

Free information, practical and emotional support;

Telephone; 0808 808 2020



NHS Choices

To help you make choices about your health;


Citizens Advice Bureau (Dartford CAB ) 01322 472979

Trinity Resource Centre, High street, Dartford. DA1 1DE


Prospect Support Group

Uro-Oncology Clinical Nurse Specialists and Uro-Oncology Support Workers.

Telephone; 01322 428614



Prostate Cancer Support Organisational Helpline

Telephone; 0845 650 2555


Kent Cancer Trust

Telephone; 07792 111537


Quitters Stop Smoking Services

Dartford Borough Council; 01322 343434




This leaflet has been developed in partnership with the Patient Information Group and our DGT Patient Partners




Patient Information

Further patient leaflets are available from the Dartford and Gravesham NHS Trust website: Please ask a member of staff if you require information in another language or format.


Complaints, Comments, Concerns and Compliments

Please speak to the staff in the ward or department caring for you if you have any concerns or questions relating to your care or that of a loved one.

Compliments can be shared by visiting:

Alternatively, please contact the Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS) on 01322 428382 Email: 


Patient Property

Please do not bring large sums of money or valuable items into the hospital. Dartford and Gravesham NHS Trust accepts no responsibility for the loss or damage to personal property unless it is handed into Trust staff for safe-keeping.



Dartford and Gravesham NHS Trust operate smoke-free hospitals. This means that smoking is not permitted anywhere on hospital grounds. For help to quit smoking please visit  

Use of alcohol or illicit drugs is not permitted anywhere on the hospital site. For drug and alcohol support please speak to your nurse or doctor or 


Call: 0330 128 1113




Reference Number:


First published:                              Last Reviewed:                                                     Next review date:

[date]                                              [April 24]                                                             [April 26]