Patient Information - An introduction to the Multidisciplinary Team for Gynaecological Cancer Care
An introduction to the
Multidisciplinary Team for
Gynaecological Cancer Care
Patient information leaflet
Gynaecology Cancer Services
Darent Valley Hospital
Darenth Wood Road
01322 428100
Author: Louise Sterne
Title: Cancer Support Worker
Information accurate at time of going to print.
We would like to introduce the multidisciplinary team for Gynaecology Cancer Care at
Darent Valley Hospital. We are a specialist cancer unit and part of the Kent Cancer Network and we work closely with the oncology centre in Maidstone. Most surgery, chemotherapy and radiotherapy takes place at the Maidstone oncology centre. Follow-up care, support and treatment may occur at Darent Valley Hospital.
Who are the Multidisciplinary Team?
The multidisciplinary team is made up of surgeons, nurses, oncologists, pathologists, radiologists, radiographers and a co-ordinator, they all have specialist experience and training in diagnosing and treating Gynaecological cancers.
What is our function?
Working with you we hope to provide you with information, advice and support throughout and after your treatment. This treatment may involve investigations, surgery, chemotherapy, radiotherapy or a combination of these treatments.
How do we work?
At your first visit you would normally be seen by a doctor who will discuss your symptoms and the results or any early investigations. Following this, further investigations or treatment will be planned. You will be given the opportunity to ask questions and to take away written information. The multidisciplinary team meets weekly to discuss individual patient treatment and care.
Care and treatment
We will respect your privacy and dignity, and will be sensitive to and respect your spiritual and cultural needs at all times. You will be treated fairly at all times regardless of age, disability or sexuality.
The gynaecological cancer team is an active member of the Kent & Medway Cancer
Research Network. This aims to improve treatment for all gynaecological cancer sufferers.
You will be given information regarding any relevant clinical trials and a Clinical Trials Practitioner will support you in making your decision as to whether you wish to participate or not.
Members of the Multidisciplinary Team
Emily Farrell
Ms J Taylor 01322 428100
Secretary Ext 8443
Mr R MacDermott 01322 428100
Secretary Ext 8222
Miss U Singh 01322 428100
Secretary Ext 8768
Miss A Zakaryan 01322 428100
Secretary Ext 4857
Mr Kovoor 01322 428100
Secretary Ext 4811
Mr A Papadopoulos
Mr S Montalto
Professor O Devaja
Dr J Summers
Dr R Jyothirmayi
Dr L Kviat
Dr A Synowiec
Dr S Humphries
Dr L Turner
Dr M Coutts
Dr Gary Rushton
Macmillan Gynae-Oncology CNS
Samantha Daniels
Leanne Warren
01322 428 100 and Ask for Bleep 650 or Extension 4783
Comments and suggestions
Our aim is to deliver a high quality standard of care and we would welcome any comments or suggestions regarding the service that you have received.
Please see the leaflet “Your Opinion Counts” for further information on how to do this.
Patient Advocacy Liaison Service
This service is provided by PALS and aims to improve the hospital experience for both patients and visitors. For more information please contact 01322 428382 between 9am and 5pm. There is a 24 hour answer service.
Your personal information
Information is kept in accordance with the Trust data protection policy.
Macmillan Cancer Support
Provides practical advice and support for cancer patients, their families and carers.
Specialist nurses provide high quality, up to date information on their freephone helpline.
You can also access information on all aspects of cancer by visiting their website.
Freephone: 0808 808 0000
This leaflet has been developed in partnership with the Patient Information Group and our DGT Patient Partners
Patient Information
Further patient leaflets are available from the Dartford and Gravesham NHS Trust website: Please ask a member of staff if you require information in another language or format.
Complaints, Comments, Concerns and Compliments
Please speak to the staff in the ward or department caring for you if you have any concerns or questions relating to your care or that of a loved one.
Compliments can be shared by visiting:
Alternatively, please contact the Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS) on 01322 428382 Email:
Patient Property
Please do not bring large sums of money or valuable items into the hospital. Dartford and Gravesham NHS Trust accepts no responsibility for the loss or damage to personal property unless it is handed into Trust staff for safe-keeping.
Dartford and Gravesham NHS Trust operate smoke-free hospitals. This means that smoking is not permitted anywhere on hospital grounds. For help to quit smoking please visit
Use of alcohol or illicit drugs is not permitted anywhere on the hospital site. For drug and alcohol support please speak to your nurse or doctor or
Call: 0330 128 1113
Reference Number:
First published: Last Reviewed: Next review date:
[date] [July 24] [July 26]