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Patient Information - What is Venous ThromboEmbolism? (VTE)

H.A.T (Hospital Acquired Thrombosis)

Are you or someone you know being admitted to hospital? Could you be at risk of Venous Thromboembolism? (VTE)

What is Venous ThromboEmbolism? (VTE)

VTE is a blood clot (thrombosis) in the veins. Blood clots usually occur in the legs or lungs. Hospitalisation increases the risk of VTE.

People are more at risk of VTE if they are:

What you can do to reduce your risk of H.A.T?

Some things which increase your risk of H.A.T. are beyond your control eg. Increasing age, immobility, pregnancy and surgery.

Remember to ask about your risk of VTE when you or someone you know is admitted to hospital!

For more information go to: